This month we're appreciating our neighbors up and down Alberta Street. You can find all of these gifts at the shop in person or online!
1/ Art Deco inspired floral works by Colorado artist Marsha Robinson. / Amelia helloamelia.com
2/ Treat your favorite gardener to a spread all about how to create beautiful presentations of their harvest. / EcoVibe Home ecovibestyle.com
3/ Gorgeous furniture handmade by local artisans. / PHI phi-portland.com
4/ Build a blockitecture greenway with the little artist in your life, and learn about architecture styles from all over the gobe. / Grasshopper www.grasshopperstore.com
5/ A soft place to unwind during the holidays. These pillow throws are handmade and each have their own unique variations. / Una Pluma unapluma.com
6/ Get creative! Paint some pottery with a loved one and take home your own creations to enjoy for years to come. / Mimosa Studios mimosastudios.com