Portland is buzzing with local artisans and makers that have been catching our eye lately. So, we put together a visual list of some of our favorite interior design products coming out of PDX. For your viewing pleasure:
1/ Schoolhouse Electric / Winter + Summer Cotton Coverlet / www.schoolhouse.com
2/ Schoolhouse Electric / Factory 3 Chandelier / www.schoolhouse.com
3/ Current Collection / Valo / www.currentcollection.com
4/ Pigeon Toe Ceramics / Woven Cluster Chandelier / www.pigeontoeceramics.com
5/ Pigeon Toe Ceramics / Simple Carafe / www.pigeontoeceramics.com
6/ Rejuvenation / Vornado V-Fan / www.rejuvenation.com
7/ Cedar + Moss / Turnwater Sconce / www.cedarandmoss.com
8/ Juju Papers / Barn Owls and Hollyhocks by Carson Ellis / www.jujupapers.com
9/ The Joinery / Clyde Lounge Chair / www.thejoinery.com